Inspiration for a Rainy Day: A Cardboard Box

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moments that matter

We've had a rainy dreary week where I live, and if you're the caregiver or teacher of a small child, you probably realize the special struggle of rainy days. Put small people with big energy in a small space, keep them there all day, and just wait for disaster to ensue.

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Make a cool tunnel!

Image from

One of the biggest contributors to increased physical activity in the childcare setting is having portable play equipment and space to play indoors. This is applicable to parents as well. But how often do we plan for the "what if" of bad weather?

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Target practice

Image from

One of my favorite exercises as a teacher is to ask my students to develop treatment ideas for a pediatric physical therapy patient, using only a cardboard box. I love this activity because it forces the students to be creative, but also to acknowledge that some of the families with whom they'll be working might have limited resources. Inspired by this exercise, here are a few ideas to entertain and exercise those little bodies, and make it a better day for everyone...all with a cardboard box.


Build Something 

Image from Busy


Climb in, out, or over, or walk along a series of boxes

Image from Ry-an-na blog


The Positive Caregiving Checklist: Part 1


Library Story Time